
Jill talks with host Jim Vrettos about the FEC, and Cornel West’s campaign

Sep 24, 2023

Jill with MintCast host Alan MacLeod. Given the Democratic Party’s history and their current agenda, are they the “lesser evil”? 

Aug 4, 2023

with host Teodros Kiros. Much covered.  

July 31, 2023

Building Power Outside the Duopoly | Why the Progressive Democrat Strategy Failed Miserably | Time to Get Militant with the Dem Party | Can CW24 be a Movement-Building Vehicle?

July 27, 2023

Sabby Sab talks with Jill about Cornel West’s campaign. How did Cornel move from running with the People’s Party to running with the Green Party?

July 8, 2023

Gateway Green Alliance / GP of St. Louis webinar on our healthcare system

Dr. Jill Stein moderates: Dr. Claire Cohen (National Single Payer); Don Fitz (Missouri GP); Ryan Skolnick (Calif. Nurses Assn); Dr. Margaret Flowers (Popular Resistance)

July 5, 2023

Forbes Breaking News
What would policy and international relations look like with an administration based on “truth and justice”?

July 10, 2023

Great discussion on The Source with Zain Raza

June 22, 2023

Black Power Media
Thoughtful discussion about the Green Party, Cornel West and current affairs, with RSTV host Kalonji Changa.

June 20, 2023

It’s not just the life of Julian Assange that’s in the crosshairs. It’s also the life of our democracy

Mar 25, 2023

It’s not just the life of Julian Assange that’s in the crosshairs. It’s also the life of our democracy

Mar 25, 2023

Looking at the war, its background, the media narrative and possible solutions. Also, why is the media now supporting Assange?

Dec 23, 2022

Jill joins Vijay Prashad, Brian Becker, Eugene Puryear, Claudia de la Cruz, Medea Benjamin, Noam Chomsky and more, speaking for a path to peace in Ukraine.

Nov 19, 2022

Plus details about Russiagate, and how the company that concocted the report, New Knowledge, was itself impersonating ‘Russian bots’ to meddle in elections.

Oct 26, 2022

The prosecution of Assange is “a threat to the life of our democracy” and a “mockery of our judicial system.”

Oct 8, 2022

The D’s  attack Green Party Candidate Matt Hoh. 
Briahna Joy Gray with Matthew Hoh & Dr. Jill Stein

July 14, 2022

Jill Stein, Bill Hogan, Sue Wareham & Mary Kostakidis tell Priti Patel:  It is medically and ethically “unacceptable” to extradite Julian Assange to the U.S.

June 13, 2022

With George Galloway, Chris Hedges, Scott Ritter and Jill Stein on the information warfare being waged to enforce the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine.

April 14, 2022

Great discussion on Assange and media, progressive Dems, and more. Hosted by Massachusetts Peace Action, at the Community Church of Boston.

April 6, 2022

What do third parties have to offer that’s different from the Republican’s and Democrat’s parties?

March 31, 2022


Hosted by the Revolutionary Blackout Network: Lets talk! | Stop Voting RED or BLUE

March 2022


Jill Stein joined Ron Placone for a wide-ranging live interview where she discussed her ongoing battle with the FEC for the future of independent politics. Click the video to watch Jill talk about her FEC fight and more.

Jan 31, 2022

Jill Stein Status Coup Interview: Assange, Climate Collapse & more

Dec 27, 2021

Dr. Jill Stein on Biden, the Squad, MPP, and the Climate Emergency

The imperative for independent politics with Briahna Joy Gray and Richard Wolff

Sep 9, 2021

Newsweek: Who is Jill Stein? Nina Turner Attacked for Historic Support of Green Party Candidate

The shaming strategy is used to suppress growing political discontent both inside and outside of the Democratic Party

Aug 3, 2021

Stein Recount Scores Legal Wins

Jill Stein doggedly continued the recount fight for election integrity in the courts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and her persistence won major victories for election integrity.

Jul 30, 2021

Redacted: Jill Stein On Julian Assange & More

The movement to free Julian Assange and protect press freedom – with Lee Camp and Consortium News.

Jul 15, 2021

Dr Jill Stein at Home Run for Julian, in Boston

John and Gabriel Shipton, father and brother of Julian Assange, on a US speaking tour to gather support for Julian’s liberation and freedom of the press, were joined in Boston by Dr Jill Stein, who has been offering support through Doctors for Assange.

Jun 10, 2021

Green New Deal with Global Greens

Anticipating the COP26 climate gatherings in November 2021, Global Greens hosted leaders on the Biden Climate Summit, and the need for the world’s countries to do more to keep global warming below 1.5-degrees.

Jun 1, 2021

The Two Party Monopoly Is Another Form of Voter Suppression - Jill Stein & Richard Wolff

Ranked choice voting  eliminates the rationale for “lesser evil” voting that is a form of voter suppression.

Apr 26, 2021