
Leaving the fight would break my heart​​

I’m wracked with concern and imagine you are too.  The cold war ginned up by the military-industrial-media complex has predictably turned hot and threatens to draw nuclear superpowers into a face-off, each with provisions for using world-ending nuclear weapons. It’s almost too much to bear, as this compounds the crises brought to us by the …

Leaving the fight would break my heart​​ Read More »

I really need your help now.

Thank you for all you’ve done to build our movement for people, planet, and peace over profit!  Our work together has set the progressive agenda on issue after issue, from an emergency Green New Deal and Medicare for All to free public higher education, democracy reforms like Ranked-Choice Voting and much more. Now, in the …

I really need your help now. Read More »

Fighting for Democracy

Stand up for public funding, ballot access and our right to wider political choices. Dear friend of democracy, As independents and members of alternative political parties, we deserve a fair playing field to participate in elections – especially now that a majority of Americans are clamoring for choices outside the corporate establishment. Yet grassroots alternatives …

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